The Northeast/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center is pleased to launch an asynchronous online course for health practitioners who focus on smoking cessation.
Disclosure: Funding for this presentation was made possible by cooperative agreement U1OHA29291 from the Health Resources and Services Administration’s HIV/AIDS Bureau. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Any trade/brand names for products mentioned during this presentation are for training and identification purposes only.
Smoking Cessation in People with HIV

Instructor: Dr. Jonathan Shuter, M.D., Director of Clinical Research in the Montefiore Medical Center AIDS Center
Approximately half of people with HIV (PWH) in the USA are current cigarette smokers, more than triple the prevalence in all US adults. Such tobacco use is now a leading cause of death in people living with HIV in the USA (See: 'Harm reduction for smokers living with HIV,' Jonathan Shuter, Krishna P Reddy, Emily P Hyle, Cassandra A Stanton, and Nancy A Rigotti).

Increasing smoking cessation rates in this group is a public health priority. Encouraging smokers living with HIV to quit for life, keeping ex-smokers from relapsing, and preventing youth with and at risk for HIV from initiating tobacco use, are currently, and should remain, among the main goals of comprehensive HIV care.

However, getting people with HIV who smoke cigarettes to quit is difficult, and most attempts end in failure.
To help address this issue, NECA AETC is offering a new course, Smoking Cessation in People with HIV. This self-paced asynchronous course is delivered online and will take you through tobacco use in people with HIV, the pillars of tobacco treatment, strategies for harm reduction, and more.
The course should take approximately 1 hour to complete, and contains 16 modules, with both audio and video components.
Course objectives:
Summarize the history of tobacco
Recognize the impact of smoking and tobacco use in people with HIV
Outline strategies for treating tobacco use and dependence in PWH
Describe harm reduction strategies for people with HIV who use tobacco products
Sign-up link:
Course Outline:
History of Tobacco
Smoking and People With HIV (PWH)
Tobacco Use in PWH: A Continuing Crisis (2000-2009)
Tobacco Use in PWH: A Continuing Crisis (2010-present)
Treating Tobacco Use & Dependence in PWH
Getting Your Patients to Quit
Pillars of Tobacco Treatment
Behavioral Therapy
Tobacco Products
E-cigarettes & Other Tobacco Products
Harm Reduction
Lung Cancer Screening & Managing Cardiovascular Risk
Patient-facing Materials
Provider-facing Materials
Future directions